Updates from Centerline

Panel Video & Sizzle Reel from Event Hosted by Centerline Liberties: “Politics, Policy & Precedent: The Freedom To Marry At 20 Years”Panel Video & Sizzle Reel
July 23, 2024

To Mark 20 Years Of The Freedom To Marry, Centerline Liberties Releases New Polling Data & Historic Analysis Two Decades Of Data Make Clear That Marriage Equality Enjoys Widespread Support
June 26, 2024

Centerline Liberties Hosts “Politics, Policy & Precedent: The Freedom To Marry At 20 Years”
June 11, 2024
WASHINGTON D.C. - Before a standing room only audience in the nation’s capital, Centerline Liberties convened a wide-ranging discussion on the policy, progress and legal precedents affiliated with the freedom to marry.

New Hampshire Union Leader: James Dozier: 'Live free or die' is more than a credo
June 3, 2024
"GRANITE STATERS take our “live free or die” mentality seriously. It’s more than a bumper sticker. It’s a way of life. Smaller government, fewer regulations, greater freedom in all facets of life. Fifteen years ago today, June 3, our state became the sixth in the union to recognize another important liberty: the freedom to marry for same-sex couples without intrusion or obstruction from the government."
ICYMI: Former GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock: “Freedom to Marry is Good for Public Health, The Economy and Well Being of Families.”
May 23, 2024

RAND Study: To Mark 20 Years Of The Freedom To Marry, Centerline Liberties Releases Groundbreaking Report
May 13, 2024

ICYMI: Centerline Liberties Earns Accolades in Forbes Column for Championing FreeMarket ESG Principles
April 17, 2024
WASHINGTON – A column published today in Forbes applauded Centerline Liberties for its work championing free-market principles when it comes to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy formulation. Earlier this year, Centerline joined a group of nine center-right taxpayer advocacy organizations and individuals in putting forth a set of investment principles meant to drive economic growth, innovation, and progress related to ESG. This release was covered exclusively by Axios.

North Carolina Voters See Positive Impacts of Clean Energy Investments
April 11, 2024
Washington, D.C. – Today Centerline Liberties released new North Carolina survey data detailing widespread bipartisan support for investing in America’s energy future. The data reflects widespread voter sentiment that lawmakers should continue investing in clean energy manufacturing and infrastructure.

New Iowa Survey Demonstrates Widespread Bipartisan Support for Clean Energy Infrastructure
April 3, 2024
Washington, D.C. – Iowa survey results released today by Centerline Liberties found strong bipartisan support for clean energy infrastructure and manufacturing. The data highlights voter sentiment that clean energy investments will have a positive impact on both Iowa and the nation.

Center-Right Taxpayer Advocacy Leaders Unveil Free-market, Pro-growth Investment Principles Related to ESG
January 18, 2024
Washington, D.C.: On Thursday, nine center-right taxpayer advocacy leaders announced a set of investment principles to Members of Congress meant to drive economic growth, innovation, and progress related to ESG. The principles were unveiled today in a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services to discourage bans or mandates targeting the investment decisions of individuals, pension funds, or businesses.

Investing in Prosperity and Freedom
January 17, 2024
We, the undersigned organizations, write to Congress concerning a noticeable increase in heavy-handed policy and rulemaking focused on environmental and social considerations, sometimes referred to as "ESG," which has resulted in market distortions and reduced economic freedom.

Charging Ahead - Georgia’s Leadership in the South’s Clean Energy Manufacturing Surge
August 25, 2023
Governor Brian Kemp is delivering on his pledge to make Georgia “the electric mobility capital of America.” His vision for bolstering Georgia’s economic competitiveness is gaining increased notice and support both at home and abroad.

Newsweek Op-Ed - Former Republican Congresswoman: The GOP Needs the LGBTQ
August 23, 2023
In recent years, the landscape of American politics has been undergoing a gradual transformation, with traditional party lines blurring and new perspectives emerging. One noteworthy evolution has been the growing support for LGBTQ equality within the Republican Party. Look no further than the more than 50 Republican members of Congress who voted for the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) in 2022.

New Hampshire Union-Leader Op-Ed: America is More United Than Divided
July 31, 2023
Winning the White House in 2024 is going to take more than rage tweets and the usual partisan pandering. First-in-the-nation primary voters have an opportunity to reorient the trajectory of next year’s election to one focused on the seemingly forgotten majority of the American people rather than one catering to partisan extremes.

Powering Tomorrow: How Indiana’s Shift to Advanced Manufacturing and Clean Energy is Revolutionizing the Economy
July 7, 2023
Governor Eric Holcomb has a keen understanding of new and emerging public trends that favor continued American action on advanced energy manufacturing and infrastructure. And, he has been telling the nation and the world that Indiana is open for business.

New Survey Finds Strong Support for Clean Energy Manufacturing and Infrastructure in Indiana
June 27, 2023
Washington, D.C.: On Tuesday, Centerline Liberties released a new statewide survey in Indiana that found broad, bipartisan support for clean energy manufacturing and infrastructure investments.

Centerline Action Applauds Final Passage of Fiscal Responsibility Act
June 1, 2023
The Fiscal Responsibility Act overwhelmingly passed the U.S. House on Wednesday with a vote of 314-117. A majority of the House Republican Conference and Democratic Caucus voted in favor of the bill. The bill passed the U.S.

Pennsylvania Survey Shows Strong, Bipartisan Support for Bill Prohibiting LGBTQ Discrimination
June 1, 2023
Washington, D.C.: A new survey of Pennsylvania voters commissioned by Centerline Action, finds broad, bipartisan support for HB 300, the Fairness Act, a bill aimed at protecting LGBTQ citizens from discrimination.

Centerline Action Statement on Ongoing Debt Ceiling Negotiations
April 24, 2023
“We applaud efforts to get government spending under control, but cutting vital job creating pro-growth incentives will only hurt consumers, domestic job creation, and American workers.”

AAPC Announces Centerline Action’s Respect for Marriage Act Campaign as the 2023 Campaign Excellence Public Affairs Campaign of the Year
April 21, 2023
Centerline Action’s winning national campaign to pass the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) was awarded a Campaign Excellence Award for Public Affairs Campaign of the Year by the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC).

Newsweek Op-Ed: ‘Republican Support for Same-Sex Marriage Bill Proves What’s Possible in Congress’
January 4, 2023
“While some activist journalists, keyboard warriors, and vocal politicians will keep stoking the fires of political discord and dysfunction, rest assured there are many of us dedicated to getting the job done for the American people.”

Republicans Praise U.S. House Passage of the Respect for Marriage Act
December 8, 2022
“With today’s bipartisan vote in the U.S. House, more than 50 Republican Senators and Members of Congress stood on the right side of history to protect the freedoms of millions of Americans in same-sex and interracial marriages while respecting religious liberty.”

Republicans Praise U.S. Senate Passage of the Respect for Marriage Act
November 29, 2022
“Tonight, the U.S. Senate took another bold step forward towards affirming that the freedom to marry for loving same-sex and interracial couples is a settled issue.”
In the News
A new report from a centrist policy nonprofit takes a fresh look at how the “highly politicized” battle around ESG issues is harming fiduciaries, companies and financial plan beneficiaries.
Dozens of Republicans file amicus brief against Tennessee’s transgender care ban
“More than 30 prominent Republican officials and conservative leaders filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday opposing a Tennessee law that bars transition-related care for minors.”
Richmond Times-Dispatch: Commentary: For the GOP, marriage equality rises above the culture wars
“Even in a divided America, one issue where both the Republican Party and the country have found common ground is support for marriage equality, which, with 71% in favor, has reached an all-time high.”